This year, reclaim your joy and purpose, despite the relentless demands of modern life. You're invited to experience a complimentary private class: Book an online appointment with me to see if you quality!
Find Your Joy Clarity Session
Resolution—resolve. Intention—intent. Words are powerful because of the associations they carry in our minds. How do these words resonate with you?
A resolution can feel weak, like something that can be easily abandoned. We’ve all been there. You can have the best of intentions, but without the right support, those resolutions often fade away. On the other hand, when you think of someone with intent or someone with resolve, it feels strong and unbending. No matter the challenge, they’ve made up their mind.
In our busy world, a wall of demands—big and small—vie for our time and attention, blocking us from what brings fulfillment and purpose.
In the past, I had the intention to paint plein air but never followed through. There were always other pressing matters to attend to. My paintbox wasn’t packed, my supplies were unorganized, and I had no clear destination. Naturally, I failed because there was no framework in place.
Then, I joined a plein air group. This time, I harnessed intent. The group had a leader with proven locations to paint, a clear framework, and a set schedule each week. I committed to showing up, and I brought my son along, adding an extra layer of accountability. There was no question in my mind—every Tuesday was booked off, and I had a clear plan to follow.
Both resolution and intention are prompted by a feeling of lack- or need —creating the urgent craving for a response.
Book an Appointment
For me, making art fulfills me, and not doing it drains my joy. But those feelings alone aren’t always enough to take action. Often, something in life suddenly pushes us to the edge.
For example, taking up yoga was something I wanted to do for relaxation and balance. But it wasn’t until I was feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout that I searched for the right teacher.
As my peace of mind began to crumble, a guide appeared to help me.
Each time I committed to yoga, I had a teacher who led the way, provided a framework, and gave me a map to follow.
My teacher understood my situation, empathized with my struggles, and created a practice tailored to my life—complete with steps, timing, and duration. I received regular instruction and encouragement that helped me stay on track.
I’m here for you!
I’ve been there, and I know the way. It's time to dig deep and find the resolve to be healthier, happier, and more resilient, or the resolve to stay the course you already committed to. Otherwise, life’s constant demands for your time and attention will wear you out, knock you down, and leave you feeling anxious and exhausted.
The foundation of wellness—both mind and body—is a calm, balanced nervous system that helps you conquer busyness.
Meet with me online to talk through the stressors that are holding you back. Together, we’ll create a plan that works for you—one that outlines the steps you need to build new habits with structure and support, ensuring that you’ll succeed and thrive.
Find Your Joy Clarity Session
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joycoreconnection/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francie-adamson-1686a41a/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joycoreconnection/
Blog: https://joycore.ca/yoga-wellness-blog/