HAPPY SUMMER SOLSTICE! Reflect on Your Life for a Moment on these Long Days of Plenty
There are already carrots pushing their way out of the soil in the pots and the kale that seeded itself in the garden last fall produces volumes of salad-tender leaves.
Sitting here on the patio and having a coffee and journaling is a real pleasure. Very early in the morning a heron flies over on whatever business herons have at that hour.
Each quarter of the year can be an excellent time to journal and review how your life is going and what your successes and failures were, big and small.
Failures are lessons in what to stop doing or do differently, so it’s important to identify whether your energy is going into the right places or not.
Success is a personal journey and regular acknowledgement supports you going forward, so a quick review of what has gone well is the wind under your sails.
Yoga Insight: Look at relationships and life satisfaction- they’re important to you!
Perhaps because my birthday is in May these last couple of months have been quite introspective. Summer will be the perfect time to put the finishing touches on a new yoga program that will support you on your ‘hero’s Journey to Wellness and Peace’—stay tuned for more details coming soon.
SUMMER BREAK Look for Events and Group Classes in September
Limited private lessons available. Schedule a free meeting with me to see if we're the right fit to work together.
Book an Appointment
Choosing books is one of my least favorite activities. I often get my husband Doug to pick out books but he seldom chooses fiction. Let's share the best summer reads with each other- fiction or not. Let me know if you are anticipating a new release or have old favorites you love to turn to, reply to this email.
Calendar: Schedule an Appointment with Me
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