Dear Francie,
I’d like to share a wonderful dream I had, it has a message I feel is relevant to transforming one's perspective.
I was sorting old papers and across it in a journal. I opened it at random to entry Nov. 21 ‘08 and started reading.
I thought the first part was really funny, in an ironic kind of way, so I started reading it out loud to my husband and son. The turn it took was totally unexpected and shocked us all.
“This was the wonderful dream I had.
I was in a school, a medical school, and I was telling my “story”, all my history of the things that had happened. I am up for analysis: I hope to have some kind of diagnosis, an explanation- A cure even- for all the crap I seem to go through.”
(That’s what I thought was so funny)
“...At the end I wait, somewhat embarrassed perhaps.
The Doctor/Teacher holds up a chart with pictures of jewels, treasure chests. She explains how all this has created treasure for me, that I hold my treasure within as a result of experiences.
I awaken, feeling very good, affirmed somehow that the process of my life has created something precious within me.”
No one could have been more stunned than me that this message from spirit was in this old journal (the entry was 2008, but it goes back much further). I find it painfully embarrassing to have received this gift and totally forgotten about it.
My guess is it came up now for a reason.
Conducting yoga therapy sessions with the myriad people who come to find relief from their suffering, I know many people need to receive this message.
If this message helps you understand something about your life, I’m glad.
Yoga is the path I have taken to relieve suffering, with a great deal of progress over the years. Yes, it’s a journey. Much of life is taken up with the business of living, making our way, and yoga is a way of sitting by the side of the road and taking a rest.
Noting your inner surroundings, seeking a vantage point from which to observe where pain is hiding out: feel it, breath to it, letting it go.
These days we’re calling it a ‘total reset session’. And it’s best when you put that reset on repeat.
If you’re not already in, I’d love you to join our little group of yogis. Membership is easy- classes are filling up quickly, so contact me to reserve your place.
Warm wishes for a wonderful weekend,
"When life becomes difficult remember that the Universe has our back and together we can find the path to a less stressful life."
Creativity Resource: "The Creative Act: A Way of Being" by Rick Rubin
This is the kind of book you take your time with. It has nuggets and stories to help you access your creative. I especially like the part where he describes a person as multi-faceted, containing contradictions and shifting perspectives.
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