This week I'm enjoying a 'staycation'! Journaling, gardening, plein air painting and decluttering are in my mind. Despite these ideas, my plan is 'aimlessness'. I recently saw a quote attributed to Thich Nhat Hanh describing aimlessness as a Buddhist practice. What a relief from all the pressure of modern life! I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Let's Embrace a New Beginning and Get Ready for a Fresh Start. By Francie Adamson
Spring blooms are tucked away in the buds that are thrusting upwards from last years dead growth, Nature shows us how the cycles go, as we take time to celebrate new beginnings that arise from the past seasons.
At it’s heart, Easter symbolizes that after every hardship there is a promise of better tomorrow.
This long weekend let’s take start over- beginning with these 5 steps. Contemplate each idea or use them as journal prompts to explore how you can do that and create a fresh start in your life.
- Letting go of the past - leave behind the things that will not be beneficial to your new journey as you don't want to bring excess baggage with you. This starts with identifying, accepting, and observing: what past events surface in your mind now or are there underlying beliefs that you have previously identified as negative?
Holding onto the past can include clinging to people, habits and commitments as well as thoughts and patterns of behavior.
- Write your new life story - I know there is an ideal already in your head, the life and person you want to live and be in the future. Picture it and write down an outline to start with. You are the only one who can be the storyteller of your journey.
To gain confidence, identify the obstacles you face now and imagine overcoming them and the resulting success.
- Your Fears and Failures are your Strength - If you are afraid it means you are on the right track. Wherever you are on the messy track, in the middle of it, or having just overcome something- have courage. If you are looking forward to this fresh start but also are afraid that you might be tested again, that's ok, do it anyway. You’ll learn from it again and come up stronger.
Think of past successes- if they were easy, would it have meant as much to you?
- The End - endings are necessary - You can only start with something when you decide to end the other. (Identify, accept, observe and start something new) If you’ve been investing in something that isn't giving you a satisfactory return, ask yourself this: If you knew when you began that it would unfold as it has, would you have started it?
If the answer is no, then it’s time to cut your losses, move on and take it as a learning experience.
- Embrace this process - Just like a caterpillar ready to emerge and become a butterfly, embrace the process. This new season of beginnings may not evolve as we imagine and bring all we hope for but it is definitely the start of something new and exciting.
Letting go of expectation is a yoga practice. Make every effort to serve in a way that is fulfilling rather than focusing on a specific outcome.

Want one efficient and comprehensive practice that includes fitness, breathing and meditation? Try our group Yoga Therapy classes, you’ll balance and ground all aspects of your being- body, mind, and spirit.
Theis is for you if:
You want to maximize results in a minimum of time.
You want want to make a committment to yourself, and it’s easy to attend regularly.
You love your body and want it to be healthy for years to come.
With small class size and individualized attention you’ll enjoy your yoga class no matter your shape, size, age or flexibility- This is your time to feel good, look great and enjoy optimal health looking forward through the years.
In these classes you will be guided through movement, breath, and meditation techniques to allowing energy to flow and releasing stress.
You’ll relieve aches and pains and develop strength and greater flexibility and mobility.
The use of breath work in yoga therapy is an especially powerful tool, combined with gentle movement and stretching, it allows us to go deeply within and release physical and energetic holding; to open and surrender to our creative and intuitive energy. This process clears negative energy, freeing our body and mind to heal. We feel healthier, more able to bring peace and comfort to ourselves, clearing the path to offer the same to our loved ones and community.
I'm available on the 8th to meet with you- book your appointment now to learn if the Body Breath Basics Yoga Classes are perfect for you, body and mind!
Meet with Me
TIME MANAGEMENT RESOURCE Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg Mckeown
If you're ready to de-clutter your schedule so you can get more done that's actually important to you, check out this book. Like de-cluttering your home, taking the time to be clear about your priorities and get rid of what you don't love to do or what doesn't further your purpose in life frees you from busyness!
Modern life can become overwhelming when you say yes to everyone and every opportunity. McKeown gives you actionable steps to proceed with clearing your schedule so you can put your attention on what matters most to you.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joycoreconnection
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francie-adamson-1686a41a/
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Blog: https://joycore.ca/yoga-wellness-blog/