Tonight we turn back our clocks, signaling the time to cozy up inside for the cooler months and turn our thoughts to our inner environment, both physical and mental.
This week I cleaned and organized the spice shelves, all the rolled up bags and jars were so crowded they fell out when I tried to find something. Plus many spice jars had the wrong name on them as I was randomly filling old shakers from the bags. Although it took two full hours, I estimate it will save more time looking for what I want and cleaning up spills.
I believe there’s a correlation between the clutter in our spaces and the clarity in our minds. As we head into a season when we’ll be bombarded with acquiring more at ‘rock-bottom prices’, I’m keeping my eye on what I can let go of and clear out.
Keep in mind that giving experiences is one way to be sure you’re not adding to your loved one’s clutter, and A Yoga Retreat Day may be just the thing- there’ll be one every month from now on.
How to Start Yoga: Embrace the Process with an open heart and mind by Frances Adamson

Brandy came to Joy Core Connection expecting yoga to take the edge off stress and bodily tension from a non-stop schedule.
She has three children and a daycare business, life was busy and the schedule started from the moment she woke up to when the kids went to bed at night.
She says, “When we started coaching, I felt I was where I wanted to be, I’d made decisions about work and money and was following through. I wasn’t expecting so much to change. Now I’ve scaled back the business and I'm selling my jewelry and crafts again which wasn’t on the table before, it’s opened up that creative portal for me.”
At its core, yoga isn't merely a series of physical postures
It’s a journey towards self-awareness and transformation. Through mindful movements and conscious breathing, yoga encourages a deeper connection to our inner truth. It invites us to peel back the layers of societal conditioning and rediscover the essence of who we truly are.
One of the fundamental teachings of yoga is the concept of "Svadhyaya," which means self-study. It encourages us to observe ourselves without judgment. Lying on the mat watching the rise and fall of your chest you can let go of self-analysis and feel the pleasure of fulfilling your bodies primary requirement- breathing. This subtle self-awareness nurtures compassion, self-acceptance, and love.
Exploring the philosophy of yoga opens up questions about whether our beliefs come from the inside or have been imposed from outside. We begin to make conscious choices about core values, paving the way for a life that feels genuine and purposeful.
Becoming confident in your own authority, you’re better able to navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace.
Through your yoga practice, letting go of thoughts and connecting to your body and breath, a natural flow and alignment between your actions and your desires grows. Being in the moment with each breath when on the mat influences your life daily in unexpected ways.
Just as Brandy discovered that the stress manifesting in her body had roots deeper than a busy life with small children and the challenges of running a daycare, you can expect to unravel your own mysteries.
Breaking free of limiting beliefs about what’s achievable through practice requires an experienced teacher to lead the way.
Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, you’ll learn something new as you move beyond the physical to the subtle essence of your being through yoga. In the pursuit of living authentically, remember that the journey is as significant as the destination. Embrace the process with an open heart and a willingness to explore.
Let the transformative power of yoga guide you towards a life in harmony with your true self, radiating joy in every moment.
EVENTS Hey there health enthusiasts!
Looking to add some life to your lunch break? Join us every Thursday at noon for our invigorating "Live Longer and Healthier Lunch Talks." Starting this week, we're diving into the latest trends and insights on achieving optimal health and vitality.
Discover the real secrets behind what truly works best for each of us, from customized nutrition and tailored exercise routines to cultivating daily habits that promote a thriving lifestyle. We believe that finding your unique path to wellness should be an enjoyable journey, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.
Ready to amplify your wellness game? Don't miss out on our weekly sessions packed with actionable tips and strategies to help you live your best, healthiest life. Let's make wellness a daily celebration!
Count me in!
NOVEMBER 18TH Time-Out for a Better You Retreat Day

I'm excited to announce the next Retreat Day on Saturday November 18th. This is your chance to prioritize your well-being and immerse yourself in a transformative day dedicated to self-care and rejuvenation.
Imagine a serene day filled with invigorating yoga, a nourishing and delicious meal, and an opportunity to set powerful intentions for your overall well-being. Our carefully crafted retreat is all about providing you with the tools and support you need to alleviate stress, find balance, and rediscover joy.
Don't let this opportunity slip away, only a few spots left! Sign up now to secure your place and take that crucial step towards a more centered and revitalized you. Join us for a day that promises to leave you feeling refreshed, inspired, and ready to embrace life with renewed energy and clarity.
Click the link below to reserve your place and make this retreat an essential part of your wellness journey.
I'm in!
Let's get together November 18th for a day to remember!
RESOURCE FOR A LONGER HEALTHSPAN Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones
Travel around the world with author Dan Buettner to discover five unique communities where people live extraordinarily long and vibrant lives.
Learn how Exercise, Lifestyle, Community and mindset, among many other factors has created blue zones in five distinct areas known as 'Blue zones' places where people are living into their nineties and on hundreds and staying healthy as the go.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frances.adamson.9
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francie-adamson-1686a41a/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joycoreconnection/
Blog: https://joycore.ca/yoga-wellness-blog/