Life's Little Notes From Me to You
Winter has hit Ontario with snow, sleet and freezing rain! Since I'm from Winnipeg I know how to dress for the worst and so I still enjoy a walk twice a day- most days.
I recently heard the term 'wintering' and I love it. It means embrace the slowing down that naturally occurs when the weather is inclement and your home is cozy. Be gentle with yourself and take time for dreaming and planning rather than pushing yourself to do.
Yoga Therapy is a perfect activity for 'wintering' and I'm happy to announce a new class has been added at 10AM on Saturday. Registration is open for the next week, and it's not too late join one of the classes. Schedule Your Appointment
How to Find the Best Time to do Yoga
by Frances Adamson

Getting started in a heathy routine can be overwhelming due to a lack of certainty about just how you should begin. It would be nice if there was a clear answer that took away any guess work.
It’s not so simple though, because it depends on you and what works for your body and your schedule. Choosing the best time is part of what will make your new yoga practice easy to do and enjoyable so you’ll stick to it.
Here’s some guidance so you can decide the best time for you to do yoga.
Yoga in the Morning:
The morning is considered a good time to do yoga. When you wake up your body is stiffer than normal because all night your body’s repair system creates new fibrous tissue and strengthens fascia to support your muscles and tendons.
For instance, over time, a bus driver will create thicker fascia across the chest to the shoulder on the side of the arm she uses the most when driving. This fascia protects the body as we go about doing the physical work in our day, but it also can restrict our mobility.
If you stretch the body early in the day, the fascia will release.
Another reason to stretch in the morning is because through the day your body produces a chemical called adenosine that makes you sleepy. If you feel drowsy in the morning it’s often because that chemical hasn’t fully been cleared away. Movement is one way to remove it so that you feel more alert and ready for action.
Yoga in the Afternoon:
Doing in the afternoon to do yoga is beneficial if you’ve been sitting, standing or doing repetitive movement.
If you have a regular break in the afternoon and a private, comfortable place to practice, yoga in the afternoon relieve the tension that develops during the day.
Also, if you arrive home from work tired a short practice may be just the thing to revive you.
Yoga in the evening:
If you have trouble sleeping, doing yoga and breathwork before bed is ideal.
It will relax you and done properly will get you ready for that shut eye. It you fall asleep quickly, and to stay asleep through the night.
Consider your routines:
Beginning a new habit is easier when it’s added on to an existing routine.
Our lives are governed by habits and their power lies in how we will automatically follow an established pattern.
For instance, if you drive to work the same way every day, and then on Saturday you intend to go to the park for a walk, you may find yourself automatically taking the turn towards your workplace. You can leverage this tendency to follow familiar pathways by adding new habits to existing ones.
An expert guide will help you navigate the different possibilities and choose the perfect time to incorporate a new yoga routine that eliminates the guess work. A yoga therapist will also design a practice according to your specific goals and needs.
Last Week to Register! Time-Out for a Better You: Body Breath Basics

All classes are Hybrid- ONLINE and IN PERSON
Schedule Your Appointment
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
*NEW* Saturday |
10:30 AM |
6:00 PM |
10:00 AM |
10: AM |
noon |
7:30 PM |
noon |
*FREE Assessment with registration
* never miss a class- get a video recording delivered to your in-box that’s available for 2 weeks after each class.
SPECIAL OFFER- Register for the full 12 week session and receive a private lesson at FREE.
Whether you want a lesson designed especially for you to practice on your own to address a particular problem or concern, or you want to have extra personalized time to ensure the maximum benefit for your efforts, a private lesson will elevate your experience to new levels.
YOUR MONEY BACK GARUNTEE: If your unsure whether you’ll be able to physical do the class or whether you’ll enjoy it rest assured. After 30 days if you’ve attended classes and you’re not satisfied that the yoga is meeting your needs to heal, destress and have more joy in your life you will get a full refund. That’s the level of confidence in the results and your abilities that we have.
Schedule Your Appointment
YOGA HOW-TO RESOURCE Yoga of the Heart by Mark Whitwell
In "Yoga of the Heart" by Mark Whitwell, you’ll discover the essence of yoga in the tradition of Krishnamacharya. Whitwell beautifully intertwines the physical postures with the spiritual heart, emphasizing the interconnectedness of breath, movement, and inner well-being. In this comprehensive resource you’ll learn more than the physical exercises and dive into the heart of authentic yoga practices beyond the mat. Whitwell's teachings encourage a deep connection with oneself and the universe, fostering a holistic approach to health and happiness. This resource is not just a guide to yoga; it's an exploration of the heart's wisdom, providing a roadmap to self-discovery and a more fulfilling life.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frances.adamson.9
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francie-adamson-1686a41a/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joycoreconnection/
Blog: https://joycore.ca/yoga-wellness-blog/