This Week's Little Life Notes From Me to You
My son Jumah has always been a source of interest and Joy to me. He never went through the teenage phase where he utterly rejected me and my every opinion. Now as an adult we have very profound conversations on the nature of reality.
Recently we agreed that our bodies are constantly renewing themselves. As we delved deeper, it came up that if we were a completely new person on a cellular level from one year to the next. In fact we are different day to day- even minute to minute.
This definitely gave us pause for thought, people don’t seem to change that quickly. It’s evident that our thoughts are less likely to change and adapt, and that our minds stay stuck in a rut of repetition that keeps us from transforming.
Read the article below for an in-depth look at why our minds resist change.
The Virtual Reality that Lives Just Behind Your Forehead by Francie Adamson
Lately in my family we’ve been working on training my little Jindo mix dog Roma. She’s very prey driven and goes squirrely over anything that moves. Sometimes we’re looking at each other thinking ‘what’s triggering her now?’, ‘there’s no animal in sight!’.
Then we remember that as a dog she has a sense of smell way beyond ours.
What might the world be like for her? For us humans a sense of smell may be closely related to emotions, like the smell of cut grass in summer bringing a sense of happiness and freedom. How a dog’s sense of smell creates her reality is beyond our understanding.
Some people have one or more of their senses heightened.
This will impact them on many levels including their personality. Someone who’s sensitive to sound may avoid large crowds, or sensitivity to light will make places lit with fluorescent lights uncomfortable.
You may recognize yourself as highly sensitive, and yet other people may see you very differently, one negative interpretation is ‘highly strung’.
Each one of us sees our reality differently, and from one unique perspective: yours
In fact we do not see the world, we have eyes and a brain that creates a virtual reality, perceived just behind the forehead. As we developed from an infant into an adult we learned to filter what we see. What we deem important will vary from one individual to the next, your experience through life will determine this.
Our filters may prevent us from noticing something important, and conversely, we tend to be highly tuned in to irrelevant information.
We may have trained ourselves to notice others’ facial expressions and interpret them as pertaining to us. In fact, a frown may be due to concentration rather than disproval, and other people are thinking of us much less than we imagine.
There are common agreements we have as to the nature of the world which are formed by our upbringing and culture.
Language defines our world in a distinctive way, for instance, there are forty words for snow in Inuit languages. This creates a wider more nuanced interpretation of snow.
The importance of language to us is such that our minds produce a non-stop commentary throughout our day, everyday.
Emotionally charged words are apt to be brought to mind along with strong emotions. This keeps us living in the past. A feeling triggers a negative thought- ‘I’m not worthy’, ‘I’m lazy’, or I’m unlovable’. These negative thoughts are not the truth, they never were.
Unfortunately, patterns of thoughts like these become viral in the human experience. The criticisms and doubts we have of ourselves are frequently turned outwards onto other people, most likely the people we love the most, including our children.
And so we come to what yoga is intended to do- help us to see clearly.
By clearing your mind of thoughts you’ll begin to notice the patterns of thinking you’re stuck in. Practicing noticing the mind chatter gives you the opportunity to reject it.
If you'd like to learn more about how yoga can help you to transform not just your body but your way of perceiving, book a virtual chat with me.
Schedule an Appointment
Chair yoga is a great way to get started in a gentle way with your exploration of yoga.
In partnership with PHYSIOTOUCH in Courtice, 2727 Courtice Road, Unit B5, Courtice, ON, L1E 3A2. There will be a class on:
- Tuesday April 30th at 10 AM
- Wednesday May 1st at 7 PM
The investment is $25 for an hour of personalized Chair yoga where you'll learn some full body stretches that will ease pain and mobilize your body.
To register contact the team at PHYSIOTOUCH:
Email: admin@physiotouch.net Phone: 905-429-2222
Feel free to contact me more more info: Virtual Coffee Chat with Francie
Among the books put out by Miguel Ruiz 'The Four Agreements' is one of' most well known. All his work teaches about the Toltec philosophy and how to move beyond ingrained patterns of thought and behavior so you can open to the authentic you. It's a wonderful practical little book that can be read over and over, and each time the message goes deeper. Before you know it you're a warrior creating your own reality because the starting place is to put into practice the four agreements and do your best.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joycoreconnection
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francie-adamson-1686a41a/
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Blog: https://joycore.ca/yoga-wellness-blog/