In the Spirit of Giving, Black Friday Sale is happening Now at Joy Core!

With all the materialistic madness of the holiday season starting this week- Black Friday- I got to thinking, what is better than stuff? My kids are used to me saying that the Holidays are about experiences and eating food- not presents- after all they have everything already, right?
It got me thinking though, what could I give to my peeps in this season of giving? An experience- the beginning of a life-long journey towards their dream of a healthier longer lasting body and resilience through the years!
The most valuable possession you have is your health, and in my heart of hearts I'd give you that for free if that was possible. The next best thing is the deepest discount EVER on the Jump Start Program, designed to map out the best possible outcome for your health and the most favorable way to implement it as quickly as possible. It's $500 OFF for a limited time and only 10 spots available.
Book Your "Find Your Joy Clarity Session' this week to learn if it's the right program for you to transform your life, body mind and soul.
Chair Yoga for Stiff or Injured Bodies- Strengthen and Mobilize Your Spine with Ease
by Francie Adamson

Chair yoga is one easy way to adapt yoga when you have physical limitations such as a lack of balance and mobility in your body. Recently one student, Krista, had a minor operation on her foot and she gamely attended her class and did the yoga seated, using a footrest to elevate her feet when needed. It was a great choice because even a few weeks of inactivity can reduce muscle mass and make recovery slower- and motion is lotion as they say!
Moving the spine in a systematic way mobilizes all the vertebrae, releasing tension in the spine and improving the function of the nervous system to reduce stress so you can heal.
Let’s do it! Like Krista, you can adapt yoga to do its job of strengthening and mobilizing your back even if you’re injured or have chronic pain.
CAUTION: be sure your support is stable- put the chair against a wall so it won’t move
- Forward bend- stretches and strengthens the back of the body
- Place a chair or ottoman in front of you about a foot away.
- Raise your arms in a wide V shape keeping the shoulders relaxed.
- With your back strait hinge forward from the hips and then let the body bend forward, placing your hands on the support.
- Reverse the process, lifting the arms beside the ears straitening the back and hinge back up until you’re standing with your arms above your head in a wide V.
- Repeat 5 times.
- Back bend- opens the front of the body working the upper back.
- Choose a chair with arms about waist height or a table.
- Place your hands on the table or grasp the arms of the chair.
- Keep your knees bent throughout.
- Lift your chest and head so that your upper back is curved in the opposite direction of its usual position. Gently rotate the shoulders down by drawing the elbows in.
*see photo above
- Shift your hips back letting the pelvis tuck under and relaxing the head and chest forward.
- Reverse the move, starting with the head, then the chest and then shifting the hips forward until your back is extended again.
Repeat 5-10 times
- Lengthening the spine- creates space between the vertebrae, mobilizes the shoulders.
- Place your hands on the table or grasp the arms of the chair.
- Lift your chest and head so that your upper back is curved in the opposite direction of its usual position. Bend your knees.
- Keeping your arms strait, walk your feet back until your feet you are in a right-angle with the back and legs strait.
*see photo above
- Breathe
- Reverse back to the starting position- head and chest lifted and shoulders rotated back.
Repeat 3 times
- Twist
- Place a chair in front of you with the back towards you.
- Stand with your feet about leg length apart.
- Raise your arms to shoulder height.
- Keeping your facing front, twist from the waist, placing your hand on the chair. Turn the head gently towards your other raised hand.
- Return to the position with your arms shoulder height facing forward. Lower the arms.
- Repeat in the opposite direction, do each side 3 times alternating sides.
- Follow with Forward bend above, 5 times.
- Lateral Stretch- stretches out the sides.
- Stand with your feet about leg length apart.
- Sweep one arm out to side and up so it points upwards in a comfortable position, place the other hand on the back of the chair. Gently lengthen out from the tips of the fingers in a side arch.
- Return to standing with the one arm up, then lower the arm.
- Follow with Forward bend 5 times.
Chairs offer great stability so we can stretch and strengthen effectively, it’s also quite safe!
Find Your Path to Joy Clarity Session
I invite you to meet with me to get clarity on your current situation and create a vision for health and happiness going forward. You’ll leave with some immediate steps to take towards that end result. I’ve made extra time available this week to talk with you because the JUMPSTART PROGRAM is $500 off for a limited time! Wow.

“Breathing is Essential” Thursday November 30th at noon EST- ONLINE
This week we're going to answer all your questions about how breathing techniques can be used for a longer, healthier life. Every breath we take is a new moment and an opportunity to change how we feel and respond to our inner world and the outer world. Having the ability to use the breath as a tool for relaxation and rejuvenation doesn't just make today a better one, it can lengthen your life and healthspan too! Come and learn more this Thursday at noon.
Yes, I'm in!