This Week's Little Life Notes From Me to You

It's good to be home again, although there's a saying about needing a vacation after a vacation! I came back to a garden bursting with produce: peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbages galore, what a summer we're having!.
This week I'll be breaking my goals down to the smallest possible tasks as I know it’s hard to get back to work after a break. I’ve even been known to put “turn on computer” first on the list! and crossing it off with gusto. This will be taking my own best advice as you’ll see when you read the next section.
p.s. Accepting students for privates lessons this August. Schedule a chat with me if you're interested in securing a spot and getting started (again?): Book Your Appointment Here
Understand the Cycle of Motivation, Reward, and Rest for More Joy and Better Productivity by Francie Adamson
In a world filled with demands and opportunities, understanding the cycle of motivation, reward, and rest can be your key to a fulfilled life. Let’s unravel some of the physiology in the cycle that drives your actions, emotions, and well-being.
It's a motivator, it increases adrenaline giving you your “get up and go”. You have two sides to your nervous system: one which energizes you for ‘action’: and one eases you into ‘rest and renew’. Both these states of being are necessary to living your life.
When my kids were younger, planning a trip away from home was a nightmare and I always got completely frazzled in the process.
One time, I spent what seemed like hours on the phone with the airline points booking agent and waiting on hold. Just when I was almost done my kids got bored and came in and started jumping on the bed, spilling my full glass of water all over it. I was fully primed with stress and when I hung up, they got an earful!
Here’s what happened- the excitement of anticipating the vacation was wonderful, flooding my body with feelings of happiness. Unfortunately, there's a limited supply of energy boosting endorphins and they take time to be replenished. The more exited you get, the bigger the drop when they wear off. That cycle left me in a deficit to tackle the job of planning and booking a flight.
On top of that, the first hit of adrenalin and endorphins is the strongest, the next time you experience excitement that day, they’re half that strength, the next time half of that and so on- that's why by the end of the day you run out of steam.
Now I never tackle booking a flight, calling the tax office, or any of the frustrating tasks involving telephone answering systems at any time of the day except 9 AM. My nervous system just can’t handle the frustration! (call me a snowflake if you want!)
Scheduling challenging tasks in the morning when motivation (adrenaline) will be at its peak is a practical strategy. Completing these tasks during this time can provide a sense of accomplishment and a stronger boost from the body's reward system..
You’ve probably also experienced the emotional crash after that big vacation or exciting event. Your hormones can take longer to replenish when you get more excited than usual, I find that knowing this makes the energy and mood dip easier to handle.
Here’s the kicker- when motivation and reward diminish you can be tempted to get a quick fix, reaching for sugary or salty foods or other addictive substances to stimulate and reward yourself. Too bad these short-term solutions can lead to long-term misery if they conflict with your health and happiness.
For optimum productivity and satisfaction in your life it’s important to take time to rest and renew. You need time every day and after each achievement to rebuild hormone levels so the natural cycle can reset and start over.
As you embark on this journey of understanding the ebb and flow of motivation, reward, and renewal, remember that you hold the key to a life filled with purpose and joy. By acknowledging your inner rhythms, and responding to them you'll move forward on a path of sustained well-being, vitality and fulfillment.
SAVE THE DATE: Join us for a restorative get-away to relax and renew:
SEPTEMBER 14th and 19th 10am-2pm
Our focus will be "The Power of Positivity": We'll explore the incredible impact of positive thinking on our mental and physical well-being. Learn practical techniques to shift your mindset and embrace an optimistic outlook, even during challenging times.
You'll connect to like-minded individuals who are on a quest for happiness and personal growth. Share stories, make new friends, and foster a supportive community that continues long after the event ends.
Details to follow.
Work-Sheet for Ultimate Happiness
Harnessing the Cycle for Success: Equip yourself for success with this easy tool for building rest and renewal into your life to fuel your aspirations and savor the sweet fruits of accomplishment.
- Grab a pen and paper and make a list of 5 different ways to rest and renew for you to choose from.
Important Note: Don't link them to completing tasks or goals- put them in for a specific time instead. The reason is that you form more of an attachment to the reward than the feeling of accomplishment. Let every step be it's own reward as it's completed, no matter how small.
Here’s a couple hints to help you get started- non-thinking activities have a big impact; how can you let your brain drift?
And pleasant interactions with others play a role in rest and renew- who and what stimulates loving feelings for you?
- Find a way to remind yourself to celebrate your achievements through the day- even small ones! Try a happy dance or high five with someone- even checking it off a list is a start. Then it's time for your scheduled rest and renew.
Then send me the list to share! If you do, I’ll be sure to celebrate your success!
Finally, if yoga came to mind as a rest and renew activity, you’re right! In a yoga program you’ll learn fast and easy ways to recharge your body and mind to keep the hormone cycle flowing. Book Your Appointment Here