This Week's Life Notes From Me to You
One thing I'm grateful for these days is being healthy- and yet, there's been times when being unhealthy was something I was grateful for!
Life's challenges come and go, each phase of life brings new goals, fears and opportunities for growth. This morning as I chugged up the path from the ravine I considered how important the exercise is for continued health as I age. Being able to climb stairs in my 90's is not a goal that I considered as a young adult!
Despite the value of facing challenges, it's important to be as resilient and strong as possible in body mind and spirit. That’s the value reaped from Yoga, it's a refuge in time of trouble. Read on for my personal story of overcoming a health challenge that had me on my knees (literally).
Finding Gratitude in Life Challenges by Frances Adamson

A few years ago I got sick with something unknown that had me throwing up non-stop for 2 days, in pain for weeks, and suffering from a nervous collapse. I was scared and dumbfounded by the betrayal of my usually healthy and strong body.
I wasn’t sleeping from the trauma of my experience at the emergency two nights in row, was too exhausted to work, and didn’t care if I worked.
I started thinking about what would I do if this was the last year of my life.
What led up the illness? In the previous year moving house and the death of both parents, had me teary eyed most mornings before I even got up. During this time carefully pacing myself and being extra careful with my health would have been wise .
Instead I had ignored the stress I was under emotionally and pushed forward heedlessly.
I believe that my body was telling me that it was time to heal mentally and physically, and in the midst of it all I realized it was a wake-up call. People would ask me how I was and when I told them I was ill and depressed, they’d say how sorry they were. I’d say no, it’s ok, this is just the latest challenge.
Life had become stressful and overwhelming and it was time to relearn how to find work-life balance, to slow down, and to take the time to process the deaths of my parents and all the emotion it brought up for me.
I needed space to consider my life's direction and what I wanted to be experiencing.
Yoga was my life-line through this process, as it had been before and as it would be again.
I get ‘messages from the Universe’ in my mailbox from, and this is what came just when I needed it, so maybe you could use the message too-
If you could choose between living two lives, Which would you choose Francie?
- One that was easy, or
- One that presented challenges you would overcome
Game on, The Universe
I got gradually better and finally had my appendix removed and that proved to be the culprit.
I've been exploring health and healing for my whole life, and I’ve read accounts of people being thankful for the injuries and illness that they endured, even cancer that was taking their life. I understand that now.
As one wise yoga teacher once told me, ‘You either know you’re suffering in life or you don’t’.
When you’re forced to do the work to heal by catastrophic events, you confront the underlying pain that you’ve been living with since your childhood. Beliefs that often boil down to- ‘it’s me, not them, that’s the problem, I must be unworthy, flawed and useless’.
It takes strength to face the suffering and beliefs that we carry, there’s no quick fix.
Yoga has always been foundational for me, I was a wildly angry emotional powder keg as a child, my life has been a steady work in progress to heal generational wounds and it’s not over yet.
Whether you face a struggle today or believe in preparing for the inevitable, if you want to make yoga a part of your healing journey, one that supports both physical and emotional health, there’s no time like the present to add it to your life. Book your ‘Find Your Joy Clarity Session' to learn more.
COMING SOON: Yoga for Vertigo Relief
I'm excited to announce that I've added a program for relieving the symptoms of vertigo. If you, or someone you know is suffering from this debilitating illness please get in touch.
Yoga is extremely effective at
- reducing dizziness
- helping with insomnia
- soothing headaches
- many other symptoms.
There is a limited number of spaces and as a newsletter subscriber you are the first to know and be offered the opportunity.
Sign up now to secure your place and take that crucial step towards a more balanced, healthy and revitalized you. Join us for a program that will have you resuming activities that have vertigo makes difficult. You will feel refreshed, inspired, and ready to embrace life with renewed energy and clarity.
Learn More
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