This Week's Little Life Notes From Me to You

These days I'm in a really good place, but over my life, time and again, there's been a crisis or on-going situation that sent me to the bottom. Whether it's physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, my touch stone and way out is yoga. 

I was taught that the purpose of yoga is to alleviate suffering. While suffering is inevitable, the passage through it can be moderated. Ultimately the awareness and acceptance that our human lot will be to encounter both joy and sorrow is the starting place. 

As humans we create the world from within, and periodically our construction of reality requires breaking down and rebuilding. Yoga prepares the practitioner by keeping us open and aware that mysteriously we are connected through our hearts to the infinite.


Yoga Therapy Offers You Tools That Touch on the Whole Spectrum of Human Experience
by Francie Adamson

A frequently asked question that people ask is what is Yoga Therapy and how is it different from other yoga classes. Let’s explore this question with a real-life example.

Deb, a very vibrant and stoic ER nurse was suffering from a chronic back injury that impacted her on many levels.

Physically, just walking a few blocks was painful and exhausting, and on a psychological level, Deb felt grief and fear due to her inability to continue her work.

The orthopaedic surgeon held out no hope of a recovery, and although she enjoyed yoga it was not safe for her to attend a regular group yoga class, so she came to Joy Core Connection to see what could be done.

  • Yoga is often thought of as a physical activity and it’s generally taught in group classes.
  • Yoga Therapy draws from the broader base of yoga tools including breathwork, meditation and more.

Yoga Therapy encompasses the mental-emotional and spiritual aspects of the whole human being as well as the physical.

The psychological and physical can not really be separated, yet most therapies focus on one or the other. There is also the social element, one’s ability to work or engage in enjoyable activities such as playing with grandchildren.

The net result in a critical situation is a feeling of losing both purpose and enjoyment in life.

It’s an existential problem, encompassing one's sense of worth and what makes life worth living.

While the problem Deb looked to solve started as a physical one, during the course of our work together she found that there was a deeper level of self discovery that was driving her recovery.

Her’ body’s strength, flexibility, and mobility improved so that everyday activities were manageable. Her psychological health improved as she developed self-understanding and compassion for herself. And this new perspective provided greater spiritual awareness.

Over the course of the therapy she found deeper enjoyment in her family life and developed interests that fulfilled her. Her physical situation is manageable and since she enjoys yoga that management is another source of joy for her.

This comprehensive healing is possible is because of the interconnection between all the systems of the body.

Breathwork done with yoga postures affects the physiological systems of the body, deepening the effect on your Musculoskeletal system. This in turn changes neurological regulation.

As you gain greater ease in relaxing the body and quieting the mind, meditation becomes more accessible. This helps connect us to a sense the infinite source of creativity which is the Universe.

There is a broad base of study that is demonstrating the range of benefits of yoga therapy

Below you’ll find a useful resource if you wish to explore further.

While many people choose yoga therapy to address a particular issue, the objective of ageing well is another common reason to explore the modality. As always, I invite you to join me for a free consultation to see if this is for you. 

Schedule an Appointment

Breath-Work for Better Sleep

The Canadian Association of Women Entreprenuers is hosting this event and it's for members only- contact me to join as a guest.

On-line: April 17, noon EST, 1 PM CENTRAL, 3 PM Pacific time.

Part of the “Become CEO of Your Own Health Joy Core Series”-

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the top ways to maintain your health. It aids in learning and memory retention, metabolic health and circular vascular health.

Bring your knowledge, experience and questions to this CAWEE Mix and Learn April 17th at noon online- It’s sure to open your eyes to amazing potential that breathwork has for aiding you in falling and staying asleep for your beauty sleep.

"With more than15 years experience helping people to be their best self body and mind and as a mother of two boys and an artist I've walked the walk of making health and family top priority to live with joy and purpose- so can you!"

Learn More


International Association of Yoga Therapists- IAYT
• Not-for-profit professional organization founded
in 1989
• Now represents 5,600+ yoga & healthcare
professionals & 170 member schools worldwide
• Mission: to establish yoga as a recognized, respected
• In-depth competency-based educational standards
• Rigorous accreditation process for training programs
• Certification of individual therapists (C-IAYT)
• Learn more at




